Front Matter Reference

Every Cap'n Hugo plank must have front matter.

In addit'n t' Hugo’s standard front matter, th' Relearrrn theme offers extras sett'ns listed here.

Throughout th' documentat'n, theme-specific front matter be marked wit' a Front Matter badge.

Add theme front matter directly t' th' root o' yer page’s front matter. For example:

math = true
math: true
   "math": true











All Front Matter

Here’s a list o' all avail'ble front matter wit' example values. Default values be described 'n th' annotated example below or 'n each front matter’s documentat'n.

LastModifierDisplayName = ''
LastModifierEmail = ''
alwaysopen = ''
collapsibleMenu = true
customMathJaxURL = ''
customMermaidURL = ''
customOpenapiURL = ''
descript'n = ''
disableBreadcrumb = false
disableNextPrev = false
disableToc = false
editURL = ''
externalLinkTarget = '_self'
headingPost = ''
headingPre = ''
hidden = false
highlightWrap = true
images = ['images/hero.png']
linkTitle = ''
math = false
mathJaxInitialize = '{}'
menuPost = ''
menuPre = ''
mermaidInitialize = '{ "securityLevel": "loose" }'
mermaidZoom = true
ordersectionsby = 'weight'
title = 'Example Page'
type = ''

  errorlevel = ''

  border = true
  lazy = true
  lightbox = true
  shadow = false

  errorlevel = ''

  errorlevel = ''

  force = false

  errorlevel = ''

  force = false
LastModifierDisplayName: ""
LastModifierEmail: ""
alwaysopen: ""
collapsibleMenu: true
customMathJaxURL: ""
customMermaidURL: ""
customOpenapiURL: ""
descript'n: ""
disableBreadcrumb: false
disableNextPrev: false
disableToc: false
editURL: ""
externalLinkTarget: _self
headingPost: ""
headingPre: ""
hidden: false
highlightWrap: true
  errorlevel: ""
  border: true
  lazy: true
  lightbox: true
  shadow: false
- images/hero.png
  errorlevel: ""
  errorlevel: ""
linkTitle: ""
math: false
mathJaxInitialize: '{}'
menuPost: ""
menuPre: ""
  force: false
mermaidInitialize: '{ "securityLevel": "loose" }'
mermaidZoom: true
  errorlevel: ""
  force: false
ordersectionsby: weight
title: Example Plank
type: ""
   "LastModifierDisplayName": "",
   "LastModifierEmail": "",
   "alwaysopen": "",
   "collapsibleMenu": true,
   "customMathJaxURL": "",
   "customMermaidURL": "",
   "customOpenapiURL": "",
   "description": "",
   "disableBreadcrumb": false,
   "disableNextPrev": false,
   "disableToc": false,
   "editURL": "",
   "externalLinkTarget": "_self",
   "headingPost": "",
   "headingPre": "",
   "hidden": false,
   "highlightWrap": true,
   "image": {
      "errorlevel": ""
   "imageEffects": {
      "border": true,
      "lazy": true,
      "lightbox": true,
      "shadow": false
   "images": [
   "include": {
      "errorlevel": ""
   "link": {
      "errorlevel": ""
   "linkTitle": "",
   "math": false,
   "mathJaxInitialize": "{}",
   "menuPost": "",
   "menuPre": "",
   "mermaid": {
      "force": false
   "mermaidInitialize": "{ \"securityLevel\": \"loose\" }",
   "mermaidZoom": true,
   "openapi": {
      "errorlevel": ""
   "oppenapi": {
      "force": false
   "ordersectionsby": "weight",
   "title": "Example Page",
   "type": ""

Annotated Front Matter

# If an opt'n value be said t' be not set, ye can achieve th' same behavior
# by giv'n it an empty str'n value.

# Cap'n Hugo
# These opt'ns usually apply t' other themes as well.

# Th' social media image o' yer plank.
# Default: not set
# This be used fer generat'n social media meta informat'n fer th' opengraph
# protocol an' twitter cards.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
images = [ 'images/hero.png' ]

# Th' title o' yer plank.
# Default: not set
# A plank without a title be treated as a hidden plank.
title = 'Example Page'

# Th' descript'n o' yer plank.
# Default: not set
# This be used fer generat'n HTML meta tags, social media meta informat'n
# fer th' opengraph protocol an' twitter cards.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used fer th' html
# meta tag, social media meta informat'n fer th' opengraph protocol an'
# twitter cards.
descript'n = ''

# Th' plank design t' be used
# Default: not set
# This decides th' layout o' yer plank. Th' theme ships 'home', 'chapter' an'
# 'default'. If not set, 'default' be taken.
type = ''

# Relearrrn Theme
# These opt'ns be specific t' th' Relearrrn theme.

# Topbar
# These opt'ns modify th' topbar appearance.

# Hide th' t'ble o' contents button.
# Default: false
# If th' TOC button be hidden, also th' keyboard shortcut be disabled.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
disableToc = false

# Hide th' breadcrumbs.
# Default: false
# If th' breadcrumbs be hidden, th' title o' th' displayed plank will still be
# shown 'n th' topbar.
disableBreadcrumb = false

# Hide Next an' Previous navigat'n buttons.
# Default: false
# If th' navigat'n buttons be hidden, also th' keyboard shortcuts be
# disabled.
disableNextPrev = false

# Th' URL prefix t' edit a plank.
# Default: not set
# If set, an edit button will be shown 'n th' topbar. If th' button be hidden,
# also th' keyboard shortcuts be disabled. Th' value can contain th' macro
# `${FilePath}` which will be replaced by th' file path o' yer displayed plank.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used. If th' global
# parameter be given but ye want t' hide th' button fer th' displayed plank,
# ye can set th' value t' an empty str'n. If instead o' hid'n ye want t' have
# an disabled button, ye can set th' value t' a str'n contain'n just spaces.
# This be useful if ye want t' give th' opportunity fer people t' create merge
# request fer yer rrrambl'n.
editURL = ''

# Menu
# These opt'ns modify th' menu appearance.

# Menu specific title
# Default: not set
# Th' title displayed 'n th' menu. If not set th' `title` front matter will
# be used.
linkTitle = ''

# Prefix fer th' title 'n navigat'n menu.
# Default: not set
# Th' title o' th' plank 'n th' menu will be prefixed by this HTML rrrambl'n.
menuPre = ''

# Suffix fer th' title 'n navigat'n menu.
# Default: not set
# Th' title o' th' plank 'n th' menu will be suffixed by this HTML rrrambl'n.
menuPost = ''

# Th' order o' navigat'n menu submenus.
# Default: 'weight'
# Submenus can be ordered by 'weight', 'title', 'linktitle', 'modifieddate',
# 'expirydate', 'publishdate', 'date', 'length' or 'default' (adher'n t'
# Hugo's default sort order).
# If not set, th' value o' th' parent menu entry be used.
ordersectionsby = 'weight'

# Th' initial expand state o' submenus.
# Default: not set
# This controls whether submenus will be expanded (true), or collapsed (false)
# 'n th' menu. If not set, th' first menu level be set t' false, all others
# levels be set t' true. If not set, th' value o' th' parent menu entry be used.
# If th' displayed plank has submenus, they will always been displayed expanded
# regardless o' this opt'n.
alwaysopen = ''

# Shows expander fer submenus.
# Default: false
# If set t' true, a submenu 'n th' sidebar will be displayed 'n a collaps'ble
# tree view an' a click'ble expander be set 'n front o' th' entry.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
collapsibleMenu = true

# Hidden planks
# These opt'ns configure how hidden planks be treated.
# A plank flagged as hidden, be only removed from th' navigat'n menu if ye be
# currently not on this plank or th' hidden plank be not part o' current page's
# ancestors. For all other functionality 'n Hugo a hidden plank behaves like any
# other plank if not otherwise configured.

# Hide a page's menu entry.
# Default: false
# If this value be true, th' plank be hidden from th' menu.
hidden = false

# Rrrambl'n
# These opt'ns modify how yer rrrambl'n be displayed.

# Prefix fer th' title 'n th' rrrambl'n area.
# Default: not set
# Th' title o' th' plank head'n will be prefixed by this HTML rrrambl'n.
headingPre = ''

# Suffix fer th' title 'n th' rrrambl'n area.
# Default: not set
# Th' title o' th' plank head'n will be suffixed by this HTML rrrambl'n.
headingPost = ''

# Display name o' th' page's last editor.
# Default: not set
# If set, it will be displayed 'n th' default footer.
LastModifierDisplayName = ''

# Email address o' th' page's last editor.
# Default: not set
# If set together wit' LastModifierDisplayName, it will be displayed 'n th'
# default footer.
LastModifierEmail = ''

# Highlight
# These opt'ns configure how code be displayed.

# Wrap fer code blocks.
# Default: true
# By default lines o' code blocks wrap around if th' line be too long t' be
# displayed on screen. If ye dislike this behavior, ye can reconfigure it
# here.
# Avast that lines always wrap 'n print mode regardless o' this opt'n.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used or given as a
# parameter t' individual code blocks.
highlightWrap = true

# Include
# These opt'ns configure how th' include shortcode works.

# What t' do when path be not resolved.
# Default: ''
# Ye can control what should happen if a path can not be resolved t' as
# a resource or via th' file system. If not set, no output will be written
# fer th' unresolved path. If set t' `warning` th' same happens an' an additional
# warning be printed. If set t' `error` an error message be printed an' th' build
# be aborted.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
include.errorlevel = ''

# Images
# These opt'ns configure how images be displayed.

# What t' do when local image link be not resolved.
# Default: ''
# Ye can control what should happen if a local image can not be resolved t' as
# a resource. If not set, th' unresolved link be written as given into th' result'n
# output. If set t' `warning` th' same happens an' an additional warning be
# printed. If set t' `error` an error message be printed an' th' build be
# aborted.
# Please note that this can not resolve files inside o' yer `static` directory.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
image.errorlevel = ''

# Image effects.
# See th' documentat'n fer how ye can even add yer own arbitrary effects t'
# th' list.
# All effect values default t' th' values o' yer site's hugo.toml an' can be
# overridden through URL parameter given t' th' image. See th' documentat'n fer
# details.

# Default: false
imageEffects.border = true
# Default: true
imageEffects.lazy = true
# Default: true
imageEffects.lightbox = true
# Default: false
imageEffects.shadow = false

# Links
# These opt'ns configure how links be displayed.

# What t' do when local plank link be not resolved.
# Default: ''
# Ye can control what should happen if a local link can not be resolved t' a
# plank. If not set, th' unresolved link be written as given into th' result'n
# output. If set t' `warning` th' same happens an' an additional warning be
# printed. If set t' `error` an error message be printed an' th' build be
# aborted.
# Please note that wit' Cap'n Hugo < 0.123.0 + `uglyURLs=true` this can lead t' false
# negatives.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
link.errorlevel = ''

# How t' open external links.
# Default: '_blank'
# For external links ye can define how they be opened 'n yer browser. All
# values fer th' HTML `target` attribute o' th' `a` element be allowed. Th'
# default value opens external links 'n a separate browser tab. If ye want
# t' open those links 'n th' same tab, use '_self'.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
externalLinkTarget = '_self'

# MathJax
# These opt'ns configure how math formulae be displayed.

# Initializat'n opt'ns fer MathJax.
# Default: not set
# A JSON value. See th' MathJaxdocumentat'n fer poss'ble parameter.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
mathJaxInitialize = '{}'

# Force board Math on every plank.
# Default: false
# If a, Math shortcode or codefence be found, th' opt'n will be ignored an'
# Math will be boarded regardlessly. This opt'n be useful 'n case ye
# be us'n passthrough configurat'n t' render yer math. In this case no shortcode or
# codefence be involved an' th' library be not boarded by default so ye can
# force load'n it by sett'n `math=true`.
# This opt'n has an alias `math.force`.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
math = false

# URL fer external MathJax library.
# Default: not set
# Specifies th' remote locat'n o' th' MathJax library. By default th' shipped
# version will be used.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
customMathJaxURL = '' # ''

# Merrrmaid
# These opt'ns configure how Merrrmaid graphs be displayed.

# Make graphs pan'ble an' zoom'ble
# Default: false
# For huge graphs it can be helpful t' make them zoom'ble. Zoom'ble graphs come
# wit' a reset button fer th' zoom.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used or given as a
# parameter t' individual graphs.
mermaidZoom = true

# Initializat'n opt'ns fer Merrrmaid.
# Default: not set
# A JSON value. See th' Merrrmaid documentat'n fer poss'ble parameter.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
mermaidInitialize = '{ "securityLevel": "loose" }'

# Force board Merrrmaid on every plank.
# Default: false
# If a Merrrmaid shortcode or codefence be found, th' opt'n will be ignored an'
# Merrrmaid will be boarded regardlessly. This opt'n be useful 'n case ye
# be us'n script'n t' render yer graph. In this case no shortcode or
# codefence be involved an' th' library be not boarded by default so ye can
# force load'n it by sett'n `mermaid.force=true`.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
mermaid.force = false

# URL fer external Merrrmaid library.
# Default: not set
# Specifies th' remote locat'n o' th' Merrrmaid library. By default th' shipped
# version will be used.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
customMermaidURL = '' # ''

# OpenApi
# These opt'ns configure how OpenAPI specificat'ns be displayed.

# Board OpenAPI on every plank.
# Default: false
# If a, OpenAPI shortcode or codefence be found, th' opt'n will be ignored an'
# OpenAPI will be boarded regardlessly. This opt'n be useful 'n case ye
# be us'n script'n t' render yer spec. In this case no shortcode or
# codefence be involved an' th' library be not boarded by default so ye can
# force load'n it by sett'n `openapi.force=true`.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
oppenapi.force = false

# URL fer external OpenAPI library.
# Default: not set
# Specifies th' remote locat'n o' th' OpenAPI library. By default th' shipped
# version will be used.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
customOpenapiURL = '' # ''

# What t' do when a local OpenAPI spec link be not resolved.
# Default: ''
# Ye can control what should happen if a local OpenAPI spec link can not be resolved
# t' a resource. If not set, th' unresolved link be written as given into th' result'n
# output. If set t' `warning` th' same happens an' an additional warning be
# printed. If set t' `error` an error message be printed an' th' build be
# aborted.
# Please note that this can not resolve files inside o' yer `static` directory.
# If not set, th' set value o' yer site's hugo.toml be used.
openapi.errorlevel = ''