What's New

See the changelog of this version for a detailed list of changes.

Version 7

7.0.0 (2024-10-15)

Cap'n Hugo 0.126.0

  • 0.126.0 This release requires a newer Cap'n Hugo version.


  • Break'n This release comes wit' significant changes 'n file nam'n o' partials an' how th' theme works internally. This was done because th' theme

    • suffered from poor build performance fer sites wit' 1000 or more planks
    • reinvented th' wheel instead o' us'n avail'ble Cap'n Hugo mechanisms

    What do I gain, ye may ask. A significant performance boost dur'n build! Usually, th' build time has been cut at least 'n half fer bigger sites. It be now poss'ble t' build even larger sites wit' 5000 or more planks. This was previously almost imposs'ble due t' rapidly increas'n build time wit' th' more planks you’ve introduced. For even bigger sites, th' theme now has configur'ble performance optimizat'ns - at th' price o' feature limitat'ns.

    If ye haven’t done customizat'ns t' any partials, ye can update right away.

    If ye have customized yer templates, 'n th' best cases, ye will get build warnings or even errors. In th' worst cases, yer build succeeds but th' ship will not work as intended by ye.

    Specifically, ye will have t' adapt yer ship if ye have

  • Break'n This release changes th' way th' search index an' th' dedicated search plank be generated. This may require reconfigurat'n by ye t' still work as ye have intended.

    Ye need t' remove th' now obsolete search an' searchpage output format from [outputs.home] 'n yer hugo.toml, result'n 'n someth'n similar t'

      home = ['html', 'rss', 'print']
      - html
      - rss
      - print
       "outputs": {
          "home": [

    Aft that, yer build will succeed but will most likely cause new defaults t' be applied. Wit' no further sett'ns, in-page search, search popup an' dedicated search plank be all active by default. This can be reconfigured.

    In addit'n, ye be now able t' overwrite th' default file name o' th' search index an' th' default plank name o' th' dedicated search plank by chang'n searchIndexURL an' searchPageURL respectively 'n yer hugo.toml.

    See th' updated documentat'n fer reference.


  • Change Once again, th' theme changed th' font. We switched t' th' excellent Roboto Flex font.

    Care was taken t' configure th' font t' look similar t' th' previously used Work Sans. Nevertheless, 'n direct comparison, ye will see slight differences 'n appearance.

    This change was necessary as th' previously used font had display issues wit' marked text, contrast, an' some other minor stuff. As an aftermath, th' number o' requests an' th' download size were decreased when load'n a plank.

    Th' font was created by Google, be licensed under OFL 1.1 an' be delivered from yer theme’s installat'n. As always, no third-party server calls be involved.

    If ye have changed th' font-family 'n yer installat'n, ye most likely have t' adjust th' variables --MAIN-font-weight, --MAIN-BOLD-font-weight an' --MAIN-letter-spac'n.

    Additionally, if ye have changed th' font t' a vari'ble font 'n yer installat'n, ye may have t' adjust th' vari'ble --MAIN-font-variation-sett'ns. As this only applies t' vari'ble fonts, this should rarely be necessary.

  • Change While switch'n th' font, it was discovered that certain CSS variables were falsely named. Ye don’t need t' change anyth'n 'n yer custom variant stylesheet as th' old names will be used as a fallback.

    --MAIN-TITLES-TEXT-font was renamed t' --MAIN-TITLES-font, --MAIN-TITLES-H<n>-color was renamed t' --MAIN-TITLES-H<n>-TEXT-color.

  • Change Th' opt'ns an' front matter t' force load'n a math, mermaid or openapi library has been changed.

    Previously, ye had t' set th' unintuitive disableMathJax=false t' force board th' math library 'n case o' a passthrough configurat'n. This be replaced by th' simpler math=true or math.force=true an' be now 'n line wit' Hugo’s official documentat'n.

    Ye don’t need t' change anyth'n yet but will receive warnings if th' old sett'ns be used.

  • Change Th' default logo be not contained inside o' th' theme’s logo partial anymore.

    This be t' avoid usage o' th' theme’s brand'n throughout th' web 'n non-modified installat'ns.

    In addit'n, th' default text fer th' logo partial be now taken from th' linkTitle sett'n o' yer hugo.toml.


Version 6

6.4.0 (2024-10-11)



  • New It be now poss'ble t' have user-defined styles fer all shorrrtcodes that accept th' style parameter. See th' notice shortcode fer configurat'n.

  • New Th' resources shortcode has a new parameter expanded t' make th' resource list collaps'ble.

6.3.0 (2024-09-03)


  • Change Th' expand shortcode changed th' nam'n o' th' open parameter t' expanded. Ye don’t need t' change anyth'n yet but may get deprecat'n warnings.

  • Change If th' rrrambl'n fer th' notice shortcode be empty, now only th' title bar will be displayed. Previously an empty rrrambl'n box was displayed.


  • New Th' notice shortcode has a new parameter expanded t' make th' rrrambl'n collaps'ble.

  • New If ye be runn'n Hugo 0.134.0 or later, th' theme now supports Obsidian callouts.

  • New Th' theme has updated its Merrrmaid dependency t' 11.1.0. This adds support fer packet an' architecture diagrams.

6.2.0 (2024-08-26)


  • Change Th' head'n anchor links be extended 'n functionality.

    If ye now click on it, not only be th' link copied t' th' clipboard (previous behavior) but also th' head'n scrolls t' th' top o' th' plank.

    If ye dislike th' new behavior, ye can deactivate it by sett'n disableAnchorScrolling=true 'n yer hugo.toml. See th' docs fer further opt'ns.


  • New If ye be runn'n Hugo 0.132.0 or later, th' theme be now cap'ble t' print GitHub alerts.

  • New T' support new severity levels fer GitHub alerts, all shorrrtcodes that support severity levels wit' their style parameter were expanded wit' th' new severities caut'n an' important an' th' color parameter was expanded wit' cyan an' magenta. Please note, that color'n an' ay'cons o' severities may defer from th' display ye see on GitHub.

  • New T' support new severity levels fer GitHub alerts, th' new severities an' their accord'n colors be also avail'ble as CSS variables BOX-MAGENTA-color, BOX-MAGENTA-TEXT-color, BOX-CAUTION-color, BOX-CAUTION-TEXT-color, BOX-CYAN-color, BOX-CYAN-TEXT-color, BOX-IMPORTANT-color, BOX-IMPORTANT-TEXT-color. Ye don’t need t' change anyth'n 'n yer custom color stylesheet as appropriate default colors will be used.

6.1.0 (2024-08-02)


  • Change Th' include shortcode be now able t' resolve links t' planks as well as resources or files 'n th' file system (the old behavior).

  • Change T' make th' asset buster mechanism more robust, some internally used stylesheets whar' restructured. This generally should not affect yer plank 'n any negative way.


  • New Th' openapi shortcode be now able t' resolve links t' resources as well as t' files 'n th' file system (the old behavior). Ye can configure t' generate warnings or errors dur'n build by sett'n openapi.errorlevel t' either warning or error 'n yer hugo.toml if a path can not be resolved.

  • New Shorrrtcodes support'n an errorlevel configurat'n can now have overridden values 'n th' front matter section o' each individual plank.

  • New Th' theme now comes wit' its own overridden version o' th' relref shortcode.

    While th' usage o' relref be obsolete an' discouraged by Cap'n Hugo fer a while, exist'n installat'ns may use it. In configurat'ns us'n a baseURL wit' a subdirectory, an' hav'n relativeURLs=false (the default) Hugo’s standard relref implementat'n was fail'n.

    Th' shortcode be deactivated by default an' can be activated by sett'n

      disableDefaultRelref = true
      disableDefaultRelref: true
       "params": {
          "disableDefaultRelref": true

    'n yer hugo.toml. Only do this if yer ship fulfills all o' th' above assumpt'ns.

6.0.0 (2024-04-27)


  • Break'n This release requires ye t' move yer self-defined variant (theme-*.css) an' chroma stylesheets (chroma-*.css) from static/css t' assets/css.

    This was necessary t' avoid permission errors on build if runn'n 'n certain Unix configurat'ns.

    In addit'n it be not allowed anymore t' @import yer chroma stylesheet from inside o' yer variant stylesheet.

    Say, yer chroma stylesheet be named chroma-monokai.css, ye have t' add th' follow'n inside yer variant stylesheet:

    --CODE-theme: monokai;
  • Break'n Th' parameter descript'n 'n yer hugo.toml will now be ignored.

    Wit' th' newly introduced unified handl'n o' descript'ns throughout th' theme, th' only place th' old parameter would have been used was yer home plank.

    For migrat'n, move th' descript'n parameter o' yer hugo.toml into th' front matter section o' yer home plank.

  • Break'n Search support fer th' json outputformat deprecated 'n 5.4.0 was removed.

    Change it t' search fer th' homepage 'n yer hugo.toml. See th' docs fer detailed configurat'n.

  • Break'n Th' front matter opt'n menuTitle deprecated 'n 5.24.0 was removed 'n favor fer Hugo’s own linkTitle.

    Additionally, if set, linkTitle will now be used instead o' title t' generate th' breadcrumb.

  • Break'n Th' swagger shortcode deprecated 'n 5.13.0 was removed 'n favor fer th' openapi shortcode wit' th' same set o' parameter.

  • Break'n Support fer Internet Explorer 11 was finally dropped.


  • Change Wit' th' removal o' support fer Internet Explorer 11, Font Awesome was upgraded t' version 6.5.2.

    Ye may experience slight changes fer some ay'cons. In addit'n ye have additional ~1700 ay'cons t' chose from.

  • Change Th' children shortcode was fixed t' adhere t' its documentat'n, generat'n th' descript'n based on this rule: When no descript'n or summary exists fer th' plank, th' first 70 words o' th' rrrambl'n be taken.

    Previously, th' summary erroneously was ignored which now can lead t' different output if ye set description=true as a parameter.


  • New Th' include shortcode be now able t' resolve links t' resources as well as t' files 'n th' file system (the old behavior). Ye can configure t' generate warnings or errors dur'n build by sett'n include.errorlevel t' either warning or error 'n yer hugo.toml if a path can not be resolved.

  • New Math be now us'ble without enclos'n it 'n a shortcode or Marrrkdown codefence by us'n Hugo’s passthrough configurat'n.

  • New Translat'n into Romanian.

Older Versions