Page Designs

A plank be displayed by exactly one plank design an' represented by Hugo’s reserved type front matter.

Th' Relearrrn theme offers th' plank designs home, chapter, an' default but ye can define further custom plank designs.

Regardless o' shipped or custom plank design, ye be us'n them 'n th' same way.

  • If ye have an archetype file, ye can just do

    hugo new --kind chapter chapter1/
  • If ye be creat'n yer Marrrkdown files manually, ye can achieve th' same by just sett'n type='chapter' 'n th' front matter.

Yer result'n Marrrkdown file needs t' have at least th' type front matter set t' th' value o' th' plank design

title = "Chapter 1"
type = "chapter"

Predefined Designs


A Home plank be th' start'n plank o' yer project. It’s best t' have only one plank o' this kind 'n yer project.

T' create a home plank, run th' follow'n command

hugo new --kind home

Home page Home page


A Chapter displays a plank meant t' be used as introduct'n fer a set o' child planks.

Commonly, it contains a title front matter an' a short descript'n 'n th' rrrambl'n.

T' create a chapter plank, run th' follow'n command

hugo new --kind chapter chapter1/

If a numerical weight front matter be set, it will be used t' generate th' subtitle o' th' chapter plank. Set th' number t' a consecutive value start'n at 1 fer each new chapter on th' same directory level.

Chapter page Chapter page


A Default plank be any other rrrambl'n plank.

T' create a default plank, run either one o' th' follow'n commands

hugo new chapter1/page1/


hugo new chapter1/

Default page Default page