Options Reference

This page explains how to configure the Relearn theme in your hugo.toml file.

In addition to Hugo’s standard options, the Relearn theme offers extra settings listed here.

Throughout the documentation, theme-specific options are marked with a Option badge.

Add theme options to the params section of your hugo.toml. For example:

  math = true
  math: true
   "params": {
      "math": true















All Configuration Options

Here’s a list of all available options with example values. Default values are described in the annotated example below in each option’s documentation.

  additionalContentLanguage = ['en']
  alwaysopen = ''
  breadcrumbSeparator = '>'
  collapsibleMenu = true
  customMathJaxURL = ''
  customMermaidURL = ''
  customOpenapiURL = ''
  disableAnchorCopy = false
  disableAnchorScrolling = false
  disableAssetsBusting = false
  disableBreadcrumb = false
  disableDefaultRelref = false
  disableExplicitIndexURLs = false
  disableGeneratorVersion = false
  disableHoverBlockCopyToClipBoard = false
  disableInlineCopyToClipBoard = true
  disableLandingPageButton = true
  disableLanguageSwitchingButton = false
  disableNextPrev = false
  disableRandomIds = false
  disableRootBreadcrumb = true
  disableSearch = false
  disableSearchHiddenPages = false
  disableSearchIndex = false
  disableSearchPage = false
  disableSeoHiddenPages = true
  disableShortcutsTitle = false
  disableTagHiddenPages = false
  disableTermBreadcrumbs = false
  disableToc = false
  editURL = 'https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn/edit/main/exampleSite/content/${FilePath}'
  externalLinkTarget = '_self'
  highlightWrap = true
  images = ['images/hero.png']
  linkTitle = 'Relearn'
  math = false
  mathJaxInitialize = '{}'
  mermaidInitialize = '{ "securityLevel": "loose" }'
  mermaidZoom = true
  ordersectionsby = 'weight'
  searchIndexURL = 'searchindex.js'
  searchPageURL = 'search'
  showVisitedLinks = true
  titleSeparator = '::'

    name = 'Sören Weber'

    color = 'gold'
    i18n = ''
    icon = 'rainbow'
    identifier = 'magic'
    title = 'Magic'

    errorlevel = 'error'

    border = true
    lazy = true
    lightbox = true
    shadow = false

    errorlevel = 'error'

    errorlevel = 'error'

    force = false

    errorlevel = 'error'

    force = false

    facebook_admin = ''
    twitter = ''

    auto = []
    identifier = 'relearn-auto'
    name = 'Relearn Light/Dark'

    identifier = 'relearn-light'

    identifier = 'relearn-dark'

    identifier = 'relearn-bright'

    auto = ['zen-light', 'zen-dark']
    identifier = 'zen-auto'
    name = 'Zen Light/Dark'

    identifier = 'zen-light'

    identifier = 'zen-dark'

    auto = ['learn', 'neon']
    identifier = 'retro-auto'
    name = 'Retro Learn/Neon'

    identifier = 'neon'

    identifier = 'learn'

    identifier = 'blue'

    identifier = 'green'

    identifier = 'red'
  - en
  alwaysopen: ""
    name: Sören Weber
  - color: gold
    i18n: ""
    icon: rainbow
    identifier: magic
    title: Magic
  breadcrumbSeparator: '>'
  collapsibleMenu: true
  customMathJaxURL: ""
  customMermaidURL: ""
  customOpenapiURL: ""
  disableAnchorCopy: false
  disableAnchorScrolling: false
  disableAssetsBusting: false
  disableBreadcrumb: false
  disableDefaultRelref: false
  disableExplicitIndexURLs: false
  disableGeneratorVersion: false
  disableHoverBlockCopyToClipBoard: false
  disableInlineCopyToClipBoard: true
  disableLandingPageButton: true
  disableLanguageSwitchingButton: false
  disableNextPrev: false
  disableRandomIds: false
  disableRootBreadcrumb: true
  disableSearch: false
  disableSearchHiddenPages: false
  disableSearchIndex: false
  disableSearchPage: false
  disableSeoHiddenPages: true
  disableShortcutsTitle: false
  disableTagHiddenPages: false
  disableTermBreadcrumbs: false
  disableToc: false
  editURL: https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn/edit/main/exampleSite/content/${FilePath}
  externalLinkTarget: _self
  highlightWrap: true
    errorlevel: error
    border: true
    lazy: true
    lightbox: true
    shadow: false
  - images/hero.png
    errorlevel: error
    errorlevel: error
  linkTitle: Relearn
  math: false
  mathJaxInitialize: '{}'
    force: false
  mermaidInitialize: '{ "securityLevel": "loose" }'
  mermaidZoom: true
    errorlevel: error
    force: false
  ordersectionsby: weight
  searchIndexURL: searchindex.js
  searchPageURL: search
  showVisitedLinks: true
    facebook_admin: ""
    twitter: ""
  - auto: []
    identifier: relearn-auto
    name: Relearn Light/Dark
  - identifier: relearn-light
  - identifier: relearn-dark
  - identifier: relearn-bright
  - auto:
    - zen-light
    - zen-dark
    identifier: zen-auto
    name: Zen Light/Dark
  - identifier: zen-light
  - identifier: zen-dark
  - auto:
    - learn
    - neon
    identifier: retro-auto
    name: Retro Learn/Neon
  - identifier: neon
  - identifier: learn
  - identifier: blue
  - identifier: green
  - identifier: red
  titleSeparator: '::'
   "params": {
      "additionalContentLanguage": [
      "alwaysopen": "",
      "author": {
         "name": "Sören Weber"
      "boxStyle": [
            "color": "gold",
            "i18n": "",
            "icon": "rainbow",
            "identifier": "magic",
            "title": "Magic"
      "breadcrumbSeparator": "\u003e",
      "collapsibleMenu": true,
      "customMathJaxURL": "",
      "customMermaidURL": "",
      "customOpenapiURL": "",
      "disableAnchorCopy": false,
      "disableAnchorScrolling": false,
      "disableAssetsBusting": false,
      "disableBreadcrumb": false,
      "disableDefaultRelref": false,
      "disableExplicitIndexURLs": false,
      "disableGeneratorVersion": false,
      "disableHoverBlockCopyToClipBoard": false,
      "disableInlineCopyToClipBoard": true,
      "disableLandingPageButton": true,
      "disableLanguageSwitchingButton": false,
      "disableNextPrev": false,
      "disableRandomIds": false,
      "disableRootBreadcrumb": true,
      "disableSearch": false,
      "disableSearchHiddenPages": false,
      "disableSearchIndex": false,
      "disableSearchPage": false,
      "disableSeoHiddenPages": true,
      "disableShortcutsTitle": false,
      "disableTagHiddenPages": false,
      "disableTermBreadcrumbs": false,
      "disableToc": false,
      "editURL": "https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn/edit/main/exampleSite/content/${FilePath}",
      "externalLinkTarget": "_self",
      "highlightWrap": true,
      "image": {
         "errorlevel": "error"
      "imageEffects": {
         "border": true,
         "lazy": true,
         "lightbox": true,
         "shadow": false
      "images": [
      "include": {
         "errorlevel": "error"
      "link": {
         "errorlevel": "error"
      "linkTitle": "Relearn",
      "math": false,
      "mathJaxInitialize": "{}",
      "mermaid": {
         "force": false
      "mermaidInitialize": "{ \"securityLevel\": \"loose\" }",
      "mermaidZoom": true,
      "openapi": {
         "errorlevel": "error"
      "oppenapi": {
         "force": false
      "ordersectionsby": "weight",
      "searchIndexURL": "searchindex.js",
      "searchPageURL": "search",
      "showVisitedLinks": true,
      "social": {
         "facebook_admin": "",
         "twitter": ""
      "themeVariant": [
            "auto": [],
            "identifier": "relearn-auto",
            "name": "Relearn Light/Dark"
            "identifier": "relearn-light"
            "identifier": "relearn-dark"
            "identifier": "relearn-bright"
            "auto": [
            "identifier": "zen-auto",
            "name": "Zen Light/Dark"
            "identifier": "zen-light"
            "identifier": "zen-dark"
            "auto": [
            "identifier": "retro-auto",
            "name": "Retro Learn/Neon"
            "identifier": "neon"
            "identifier": "learn"
            "identifier": "blue"
            "identifier": "green"
            "identifier": "red"
      "titleSeparator": "::"

Annotated Configuration Options

# If an option value is said to be not set, you can achieve the same behavior
# by giving it an empty string value.

# Hugo
# These options usually apply to other themes as well.

# The title to be used for links to the main page
# Default: not set
# This name will be used for the link to the main page in the upper section
# of the menu. If not set, `title` from the Hugo settings will be used.
linkTitle = 'Relearn'

# The author of your site.
# Default: not set
# This will be used in HTML meta tags, the opengraph protocol and twitter
# cards.
# You can also set `author.email` if you want to publish this information.
author.name = 'Sören Weber'

# The social media image of your site.
# Default: not set
# This is used for generating social media meta information for the opengraph
# protocol and twitter cards.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
images = [ 'images/hero.png' ]

# Admin options for social media.
# Default: not set
# Configuration for the Open Graph protocol and Twitter Cards adhere to Hugo's
# implementation. See the Hugo docs for possible values.
social.facebook_admin = ''
social.twitter = ''

# Relearn Theme
# These options are specific to the Relearn theme.

# Branding
# These options set your overall visual appearance.

# Used color variants.
# Default: 'auto'
# This sets one or more color variants, available to your readers to choose
# from. You can
# - set a single value eg. 'zen-light'
# - an array like [ 'neon', 'learn' ]
# - an array with options like [ { identifier = 'neon' },{ identifier = 'learn' } ]
# The last form allows to set further options for each variant.
# The `identifier` is mandatory. You can also set `name` which overrides the
# value displayed in the variant selector.
# If the array has more than one entry, a variant selector
# is shown in the lower part of the menu. The first entry in the array is the
# default variant, used for first time visitors.
# The theme ships with the following variants: 'relearn-bright',
# 'relearn-light', 'relearn-dark', 'zen-light', 'zen-dark', 'neon', 'learn',
# 'blue', 'green', 'red'. In addition you can use auto mode variants. See the
# docs for a detailed explanation.
# You can also define your own variants. See the docs how this works. Also,
# the docs provide an interactive theme generator to help you with this task.
themeVariant = [
	{ identifier = 'relearn-auto',  name = 'Relearn Light/Dark', auto = [] },
	{ identifier = 'relearn-light'  },
	{ identifier = 'relearn-dark'   },
	{ identifier = 'relearn-bright' },
	{ identifier = 'zen-auto',      name = 'Zen Light/Dark', auto = [ 'zen-light', 'zen-dark' ] },
	{ identifier = 'zen-light'      },
	{ identifier = 'zen-dark'       },
	{ identifier = 'retro-auto',    name = 'Retro Learn/Neon', auto = [ 'learn', 'neon' ] },
	{ identifier = 'neon'           },
	{ identifier = 'learn'          },
	{ identifier = 'blue'           },
	{ identifier = 'green'          },
	{ identifier = 'red'            }

# General
# These options are defining general, non visual behavior.

# Avoid new asset URLs on build.
# Default: false
# By default JavaScript-files and CSS-files get a unique ID on each rebuild.
# This makes sure, the user always has the latest version and not some stale
# copy of his browser cache. Anyways, it can be desireable to turn this
# off in certain circumstances. For example if you have Hugo's dev server
# running. Also some proxies dislike this optimization.
disableAssetsBusting = false

# Avoid generator meta tags.
# Default: false
# Set this to true if you want to disable generation for generator meta tags
# of Hugo and the theme in your HTML head. In this case also don't forget to
# set Hugo's disableHugoGeneratorInject=true. Otherwise Hugo will generate a
# meta tag into your home page anyways.
disableGeneratorVersion = false

# Avoid unique IDs.
# Default: false
# In various situations the theme generates non stable unique ids to be used
# in HTML fragment links. This can be undesirable for example when testing
# the output for changes. If you disable the random id generation, the theme
# may not function correctly anymore.
disableRandomIds = false

# Additional code dependencies.
# Default: See hugo.toml of the theme
# The theme provides a mechanism to load further JavaScript and CSS
# dependencies on demand only if they are needed. This comes in handy if you
# want to add own shortcodes that depend on additional code to be loaded.
# See the docs how this works.
# [relearn.dependencies]

# Topbar
# These options modify the topbar appearance.

# Hide the table of contents button.
# Default: false
# If the TOC button is hidden, also the keyboard shortcut is disabled.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
disableToc = false

# Hide the breadcrumbs.
# Default: false
# If the breadcrumbs are hidden, the title of the displayed page will still be
# shown in the topbar.
disableBreadcrumb = false

# Hide Next and Previous navigation buttons.
# Default: false
# If the navigation buttons are hidden, also the keyboard shortcuts are
# disabled.
disableNextPrev = false

# The URL prefix to edit a page.
# Default: not set
# If set, an edit button will be shown in the topbar. If the button is hidden,
# also the keyboard shortcuts are disabled. The value can contain the macro
# `${FilePath}` which will be replaced by the file path of your displayed page.
# If no `${FilePath}` is given in the value, the value is treated as if the
# `${FilePath}` was appended at the end of the value. This can be overridden
# in the pages frontmatter. This is useful if you want to give the opportunity
# for people to create merge request for your content.
editURL = 'https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn/edit/main/exampleSite/content/${FilePath}'

# Search
# These options modify various aspects of the search functionality.

# Disable the search.
# Default: false
# If the search is disabled, no search box will be displayed in the menu,
# nor in-page search, search popup or dedicated search page will be available.
# This will also cause the keyboard shortcut to be disabled.
disableSearch = false

# Disable the search index generation.
# Default: false
# `disableSearch=false` must be set to let the generation of the search index
# file to be affected by this option. If the search index is disabled, no
# search popup or dedicated search page will be available.
disableSearchIndex = false

# URL of the search index file relative to the language home.
# Default: 'searchindex.js'
# You have to set this option if your page already has a content file named
# `searchindex.js` in the language home.
searchIndexURL = 'searchindex.js'

# Disable the dedicated search page.
# Default: false
# `disableSearch=false` and `disableSearchIndex=false` must be set to let the
# generation of the dedicated search page to be affected by this option.
disableSearchPage = false

# URL of the dedicated search page relative to the language home.
# Default: 'search'
# In its basic form the search page URL is named the same for all languages
# but you are free to override it in each language options to localised the
# URL. You also need to set this option if your page already has a content
# page named `search`.
searchPageURL = 'search'

# Multilanguage content.
# Default: not set
# If the search index is enabled and your pages contain further languages
# besides the main one used, add all those auxiliary languages here. This
# will create a search index with support for all used languages of your site.
# This is handy for example if you are writing in Spanish but have lots of
# source code on your page which typically uses English terminology.
additionalContentLanguage = [ 'en' ]

# Menu
# These options modify the menu appearance.

# Hide the Home entry.
# Default: false
# If shown, a Home button will appear below the search bar and the main menu.
# It links to your the home page of the current language.
disableLandingPageButton = true

# The order of main menu submenus.
# Default: 'weight'
# Submenus can be ordered by 'weight', 'title', 'linktitle', 'modifieddate',
# 'expirydate', 'publishdate', 'date', 'length' or 'default' (adhering to
# Hugo's default sort order). This can be overridden in the pages frontmatter.
ordersectionsby = 'weight'

# The initial expand state of submenus.
# Default: not set
# This controls whether submenus will be expanded (true), or collapsed (false)
# in the menu. If not set, the first menu level is set to false, all others
# levels are set to true. This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
# If the displayed page has submenus, they will always been displayed expanded
# regardless of this option.
alwaysopen = ''

# Shows expander for submenus.
# Default: false
# If set to true, a submenu in the sidebar will be displayed in a collapsible
# tree view and a clickable expander is set in front of the entry.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
collapsibleMenu = true

# Shows checkmarks for visited pages of the main menu.
# Default: false
# This also causes the display of the `Clear History` entry in the lower part
# of the menu to remove all checkmarks. The checkmarks will also been removed
# if you regenerate your site as the ids are not stable.
showVisitedLinks = true

# Hide heading above the shortcut menu.
# Default: false
# The title for the heading can be overwritten in your i18n files. See Hugo's
# documentation how to do this.
disableShortcutsTitle = false

# Hide the language switcher.
# Default: false
# If you have more than one language configured, a language switcher is
# displayed in the lower part of the menu. This option lets you explicitly
# turn this behavior off.
disableLanguageSwitchingButton = false

# Hidden pages
# These options configure how hidden pages are treated.
# A page flagged as hidden, is only removed from the main menu if you are
# currently not on this page or the hidden page is not part of current page's
# ancestors. For all other functionality in Hugo a hidden page behaves like any
# other page if not otherwise configured.

# Hide hidden pages from search.
# Default: false
# Hides hidden pages from the suggestions of the search box and the dedicated
# search page.
disableSearchHiddenPages = false

# Hide hidden pages for web crawlers.
# Default: false
# Avoids hidden pages from showing up in the sitemap and on Google (et all),
# otherwise they may be indexed by search engines
disableSeoHiddenPages = true

# Hide hidden pages for taxonomies.
# Default: false
# Hides hidden pages from showing up on the taxonomy and terms pages. If this
# reduces term counters to zero, an empty but not linked term page will be
# created anyhow.
disableTagHiddenPages = false

# Content
# These options modify how your content is displayed.

# Title separator.
# Default: '::'
# Changes the title separator used when concatenating the page title with the
# site title. This is consistently used throughout the theme.
titleSeparator = '::'

# Breadcrumb separator.
# Default: '>'
# Changes the breadcrumb separator used in the topbars breadcrumb area and for
# search results and term pages.
breadcrumbSeparator = '>'

# Hide the root breadcrumb.
# Default: false
# The root breadcrumb is usually the home page of your site. Because this is
# always accessible by clicking on the logo, you may want to reduce clutter
# by removing this from your breadcrumb.
disableRootBreadcrumb = true

# Hide breadcrumbs term pages.
# Default: false
# If you have lots of taxonomy terms, the term pages may seem cluttered with
# breadcrumbs to you, so this is the option to turn off breadcrumbs on term
# pages. Only the page title will then be shown on the term pages.
disableTermBreadcrumbs = false

# Disable copying heading links to clipboard
# Default: false
# If set to true, this disables the copying of anchor links to the clipboard;
# if also `disableAnchorScrolling=true` then no anchor link will be visible
# when hovering a heading.
disableAnchorCopy = false

# Disable scrolling to heading link on click
# Default: false
# If set to true, this disables the scrolling to the beginning of the heading
# when clicked; if also `disableAnchorCopy=true` then no anchor link will
# be visible when hovering a heading.
disableAnchorScrolling = false

# User-defined styles for shortcodes
# Default: not set
# Besides the predefined `style` values, you are able to define your own. The
# `style` parameter of the shortcode must match the `identifier` defined here.
# The title for the style will be determined from the `title`. If no `title`
# but a `i18n` is set, the title will be taken from the translation files by
# that key. The `title` may be empty in which case, the box does not contain a
# default title. `icon` and `color` are working similar.
boxStyle = [
	{ identifier = 'magic', i18n = '', title = 'Magic', icon = 'rainbow', color = 'gold' }

# Highlight
# These options configure how code is displayed.

# Hide copy-to-clipboard for inline code.
# Default: false
# This removes the copy-to-clipboard button from your inline code.
disableInlineCopyToClipBoard = true

# Always show copy-to-clipboard for block code.
# Default: false
# The theme only shows the copy-to-clipboard button if you hover over the code
# block. Set this to true to disable the hover effect and always show the
# button.
disableHoverBlockCopyToClipBoard = false

# Wrap for code blocks.
# Default: true
# By default lines of code blocks wrap around if the line is too long to be
# displayed on screen. If you dislike this behavior, you can reconfigure it
# here.
# Note that lines always wrap in print mode regardless of this option.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter or given as a parameter to
# individual code blocks.
highlightWrap = true

# Include
# These options configure how the include shortcode works.

# What to do when path is not resolved.
# Default: ''
# You can control what should happen if a path can not be resolved to as
# a resource or via the file system. If not set, no output will be written
# for the unresolved path. If set to `warning` the same happens and an additional
# warning is printed. If set to `error` an error message is printed and the build
# is aborted.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
include.errorlevel = 'error'

# Images
# These options configure how images are displayed.

# What to do when local image link is not resolved.
# Default: ''
# You can control what should happen if a local image can not be resolved to as
# a resource. If not set, the unresolved link is written as given into the resulting
# output. If set to `warning` the same happens and an additional warning is
# printed. If set to `error` an error message is printed and the build is
# aborted.
# Please note that this can not resolve files inside of your `static` directory.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
image.errorlevel = 'error'

# Image effects.
# See the documentation for how you can even add your own arbitrary effects to
# the list.
# All effects can be overridden in the page's frontmatter or through URL parameter
# given to the image. See the documentation for details.

# Default: false
imageEffects.border = true
# Default: true
imageEffects.lazy = true
# Default: true
imageEffects.lightbox = true
# Default: false
imageEffects.shadow = false

# Links
# These options configure how links are displayed.

# Wether to use Hugo's default relref shortcode implementation
# Default: false
# Since the theme provides a link render hook, the usage of the relref shortcode
# is obsolete. If a site still uses that shortcode, it fails to generate a
# correct links if the baseURL is configured with a subdirectory and relativeURLs=false.
# The theme provides an overriden relref shortcode that also works in the
# above setup but must manually be activated by setting this option to true.
# See discussion in https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn/discussions/862
disableDefaultRelref = false

# Generate link URLs the Hugo way.
# Default: false
# If set to true, the theme behaves like a standard Hugo installation and
# appends no index.html to prettyURLs. As a trade off, your build project will
# not be servable from the file system.
disableExplicitIndexURLs = false

# What to do when local page link is not resolved.
# Default: ''
# You can control what should happen if a local link can not be resolved to a
# page. If not set, the unresolved link is written as given into the resulting
# output. If set to `warning` the same happens and an additional warning is
# printed. If set to `error` an error message is printed and the build is
# aborted.
# Please note that with Hugo < 0.123.0 + `uglyURLs=true` this can lead to false
# negatives.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
link.errorlevel = 'error'

# How to open external links.
# Default: '_blank'
# For external links you can define how they are opened in your browser. All
# values for the HTML `target` attribute of the `a` element are allowed. The
# default value opens external links in a separate browser tab. If you want
# to open those links in the same tab, use '_self'.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
externalLinkTarget = '_self'

# MathJax
# These options configure how math formulae are displayed.

# Initialization options for MathJax.
# Default: not set
# A JSON value. See the MathJaxdocumentation for possible parameter.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
mathJaxInitialize = '{}'

# Force load Math on every page.
# Default: false
# If a, Math shortcode or codefence is found, the option will be ignored and
# Math will be loaded regardlessly. This option is useful in case you
# are using passthrough configuration to render your math. In this case no shortcode or
# codefence is involved and the library is not loaded by default so you can
# force loading it by setting `math=true`.
# This option has an alias `math.force`.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
math = false

# URL for external MathJax library.
# Default: not set
# Specifies the remote location of the MathJax library. By default the shipped
# version will be used.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
customMathJaxURL = '' # 'https://unpkg.com/mathjax/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js'

# Mermaid
# These options configure how Mermaid graphs are displayed.

# Make graphs panable and zoomable
# Default: false
# For huge graphs it can be helpful to make them zoomable. Zoomable graphs come
# with a reset button for the zoom.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter or given as a parameter to
# individual graphs.
mermaidZoom = true

# Initialization options for Mermaid.
# Default: not set
# A JSON value. See the Mermaid documentation for possible parameter.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
mermaidInitialize = '{ "securityLevel": "loose" }'

# Force load Mermaid on every page.
# Default: false
# If a Mermaid shortcode or codefence is found, the option will be ignored and
# Mermaid will be loaded regardlessly. This option is useful in case you
# are using scripting to render your graph. In this case no shortcode or
# codefence is involved and the library is not loaded by default so you can
# force loading it by setting `mermaid.force=true`.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
mermaid.force = false

# URL for external Mermaid library.
# Default: not set
# Specifies the remote location of the Mermaid library. By default the shipped
# version will be used.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
customMermaidURL = '' # 'https://unpkg.com/mermaid/dist/mermaid.min.js'

# OpenApi
# These options configure how OpenAPI specifications are displayed.

# Force load OpenAPI on every page.
# Default: false
# If a, OpenAPI shortcode or codefence is found, the option will be ignored and
# OpenAPI will be loaded regardlessly. This option is useful in case you
# are using scripting to render your spec. In this case no shortcode or
# codefence is involved and the library is not loaded by default so you can
# force loading it by setting `openapi.force=true`.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
oppenapi.force = false

# URL for external OpenAPI library.
# Default: not set
# Specifies the remote location of the OpenAPI library. By default the shipped
# version will be used.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
customOpenapiURL = '' # 'https://unpkg.com/swagger-ui-dist/swagger-ui-bundle.js'

# What to do when a local OpenAPI spec link is not resolved.
# Default: ''
# You can control what should happen if a local OpenAPI spec link can not be resolved
# to a resource. If not set, the unresolved link is written as given into the resulting
# output. If set to `warning` the same happens and an additional warning is
# printed. If set to `error` an error message is printed and the build is
# aborted.
# Please note that this can not resolve files inside of your `static` directory.
# This can be overridden in the page's frontmatter.
openapi.errorlevel = 'error'