Image Effects

The theme offers effects for your linked images.

You can define additional custom image effects and set defaults in your configuration.

The default image effects shipped with the theme are

Name Description
border Draws a light thin border around the image
dataurl if the linked image points to a resource, it is converted to a base64 encoded dataurl
inlinecontent if the linked image points to a SVG resource, the content will be used instead of an <img> element, this is useful for applying additional CSS styles to the elements inside of the SVG which is otherwise impossible
lazy Lets the image be lazy loaded
lightbox The image will be clickable to show it enlarged
shadow Draws a shadow around the image to make it appear hovered/glowing

One way to use them is to add them as URL query parameter to each individually linked image.

This can become cumbersome to be done consistently for the whole site. Instead, you can configure the defaults in your hugo.toml as well as overriding these defaults in a page’s front matter.

Explicitly set URL query parameter will override the defaults set for a page or your site.

If an effect accepts boolean values, only setting the parameter name without a value in the URL will set it to true.

Without any settings in your hugo.toml imageEffects defaults to

  border = false
  dataurl = false
  inlinecontent = false
  lazy = true
  lightbox = true
  shadow = false
  border: false
  dataurl: false
  inlinecontent: false
  lazy: true
  lightbox: true
  shadow: false
   "imageEffects": {
      "border": false,
      "dataurl": false,
      "inlinecontent": false,
      "lazy": true,
      "lightbox": true,
      "shadow": false

Front Matter This can be overridden in a pages front matter for example by

    lazy = false
    lazy: false
   "params": {
      "imageEffects": {
         "lazy": false

Or by explicitly override settings by URL query parameter


The settings applied to the above image would be

  border = true
  dataurl = false
  inlinecontent = false
  lazy = true
  lightbox = false
  shadow = false
  border: true
  dataurl: false
  inlinecontent: false
  lazy: true
  lightbox: false
  shadow: false
   "imageEffects": {
      "border": true,
      "dataurl": false,
      "inlinecontent": false,
      "lazy": true,
      "lightbox": false,
      "shadow": false