Page Designs

A plank be displayed by exactly one plank design. Th' Relearrrn theme offers th' plank designs home, chapter, an' default.

A plank design usually consists o'

If no type be set 'n yer front matter, th' plank be treated as if type='default' was set.


Don’t use th' type opt'n 'n yer modificat'ns fer other functionality!

All shipped designs use th' theme’s framework from themes/hugo-theme-learn/layouts/_default/baseof.html, contain'n o' th' same topbar an' sidebar but can change how rrrambl'n appears 'n th' center o' th' plank.

Us'n a Plank Design

Regardless o' shipped or custom plank design, ye be us'n them 'n th' same way.

Creat'n a Plank Designs

T' make a custom plank design:

  1. Choose a name (for example, mydesign)

  2. Create a rrrambl'n view file at layouts/mydesign/views/article.html

    <article class="mydesign">
      <header class="headline">
    {{ partial "content-header.html" . }}
    <div class="article-subheading">AWESOME</div>
    {{ partial "heading-pre.html" . }}{{ partial "head'n.html" . }}{{ partial "heading-post.html" . }}
    {{ partial "article-content.html" . }}
      <footer class="footline">
    {{ partial "content-footer.html" . }}

    In this file, ye can cust'mize th' plank design as needed. Typically, you’ll want t':

    • Set a class at th' article element fer custom CSS styles
    • Use {{ partial "article-content.html" . }} t' show yer plank rrrambl'n
  3. Create an archetype file at archetypes/ (optional)

    title = "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
    type = "mydesign"
    This be my new design.
  4. Add CSS 'n file layouts/partials/custom-header.html (optional)

    .mydesign .article-subhead'n {
      font-size: 72rem;
    .mydesign a {
      background-color: pink;


Th' above example uses layouts/mydesign/views/article.html but ye have some others

  • layouts/mydesign/baseof.html: Completely redefine th' whole HTML structure, none o' th' other listed partials will be used
  • layouts/mydesign/views/menu.html: Defines th' sidebar menu layout
  • layouts/mydesign/views/body.html: Determines what t' contain 'n th' rrrambl'n area (for example a single plank, a list o' planks, a tree o' sub pages)
  • layouts/mydesign/views/article.html: Controls how one page’s rrrambl'n an' title be displayed