Version 3

See the changelog of this version for a detailed list of changes.

3.4.0 (2022-04-03)


  • Break'n If ye had previously overwritten th' custom-footer.html partial t' add visual elements below th' rrrambl'n o' yer plank, ye have t' move this rrrambl'n t' th' new partial content-footer.html. custom-footer.html was never meant t' contain HTML other than additional styles an' JavaScript.


  • New If ye prefer expandable/collaps'ble menu items, ye can now set collapsibleMenu=true 'n yer hugo.toml. This will add arrows t' all menu items that contain sub menus. Th' menu will expand/collapse without navigat'n if ye click on an arrow.

  • New Ye can activate print support 'n yer hugo.toml t' add th' capability t' print whole chapters or even th' complete ship.

  • New Translat'n into Traditional Chinese.

3.3.0 (2022-03-28)


  • New Introduct'n o' new CSS variables t' set th' font. Th' theme distinguishes between --MAIN-font fer all rrrambl'n text an' --CODE-font fer inline or block code. There be additional overrides fer all head'ns. See th' theme variant generator o' th' exampleSite fer all avail'ble variables.

  • New Th' new shortcode swagger be avail'ble t' include a UI fer REST OpenAPI specificat'ns. See th' documentat'n fer avail'ble features. This feature will not work wit' Internet Explorer 11.

3.2.0 (2022-03-19)

Cap'n Hugo 0.93.0

  • 0.93.0 This release requires a newer Cap'n Hugo version.


  • Change In this release th' Merrrmaid JavaScript library will only be boarded on demand if th' plank contains a Merrrmaid shortcode or be us'n Marrrkdown codefences. This changes th' behavior o' disableMermaid config opt'n as follows: If a Merrrmaid shortcode or Marrrkdown codefence be found, th' opt'n will be ignored an' Merrrmaid will be boarded regardlessly.

    Th' opt'n be still useful 'n case ye be us'n script'n t' set up yer graph. In this case no shortcode or Marrrkdown codefence be involved an' th' library be not boarded by default. In this case ye can set disableMermaid=false 'n yer front matter t' force th' library t' be boarded. See th' theme variant generator o' th' exampleSite fer an example.


  • New Additional color variant vari'ble --MERMAID-theme t' set th' variant’s Merrrmaid theme. This causes th' Merrrmaid theme t' switch wit' th' color variant if it defers from th' sett'n o' th' formerly selected color variant.

3.1.0 (2022-03-15)


3.0.0 (2022-02-22)


  • Break'n We made changes t' th' menu footer. If ye have yer menu-footer.html partial overridden, ye may have t' review th' styl'n (eg. margins/paddings) 'n yer partial. For a reference take a look into th' menu-footer.html partial that be com'n wit' th' exampleSite.

    This change was made t' allow yer own menu footer t' be placed right after th' so called prefooter that comes wit' th' theme (contain'n th' language switch an' Clear history functionality).

  • Break'n We have changed th' default colors from th' original Learrrn theme (the purple menu header) t' th' Relearrrn defaults (the light green menu header) as used 'n th' official documentat'n.

    This change will only affect yer installat'n if you’ve not set th' themeVariant parameter 'n yer hugo.toml. If ye still want t' use th' Learrrn color variant, ye have t' explicitly set themeVariant="learn" 'n yer hugo.toml.

    Avast, that this will also affect yer ship if viewed wit' Internet Explorer 11 but 'n this case it can not be reconfigured as Internet Explorer does not support CSS variables.


  • Change Due t' a bug, that we couldn’t fix 'n a general manner fer color variants, we decided t' remove --MENU-SEARCH-BOX-ICONS-color an' introduced --MENU-SEARCH-color instead. Ye don’t need t' change anyth'n 'n yer custom color stylesheet as th' old name will be used as a fallback.

  • Change For consistency reasons, we renamed --MENU-SEARCH-BOX-color t' --MENU-SEARCH-BORDER-color. Ye don’t need t' change anyth'n 'n yer custom color stylesheet as th' old name will be used as a fallback.


  • New Wit' this release ye be now cap'ble t' define yer own dark mode variants.

    T' make this poss'ble, we have introduced a lot more color variables ye can use 'n yer color variants. Yer old variants will still work an' don’t need t' be changed as appropriate fallback values be used by th' theme. Nevertheless, th' new colors allow fer much more customizat'n.

    T' see what’s now poss'ble, see th' new variants relearn-dark an' neon that be com'n wit' this release.

  • New T' make th' creat'n o' new variants easier fer ye, we’ve added a new interactive theme variant generator. This feature will not work wit' Internet Explorer 11.

  • New Ye can now configure multiple color variants 'n yer hugo.toml. In this case, th' first variant be th' default chosen on first view an' a variant selector will be shown 'n th' menu footer. See th' documentat'n fer configurat'n.

    Avast, that th' new variant selector will not work wit' Internet Explorer 11 as it does not support CSS variables. Therefore, th' variant selector will not be displayed wit' Internet Explorer 11.