T' chapterrr 1

The Ship


Up 'n th' Upper Decks, our lookout be either spott'n treasure or tak'n an unauthorized nap 'n th' Crow’s Nest, while th' helmsman tries t' convince everyone that yes, that spinn'n wheel actually does someth'n.

In Midst Ship, th' Captain’s busy add'n another gold tassel t' their hat collect'n, an' th' crew quarters be host'n th' weekly “Who Stole My Last Clean Sock” investigat'n.

Down 'n Cargo, well… let’s just say what th' health inspector doesn’t know won’t hurt them. Between th' mysteriously mov'n crates an' that barrel o' pickles that’s been ferment'n since th' last century, it’s quite an adventure.


graph TD
    A[The Purple Pulpo] --> B1[Upper Decks]
    A --> B2[Midst Ship]
    A --> B3[Cargo]
    B1 --> C11[Crow's Nest]
    B1 --> C12[The Helm]
    B2 --> C21[Captain's Cabin]
    B2 --> C22[Crew Quarters]

    click B1 "upper" "View Upper Decks"
    click B2 "midst" "View Midst Ship"
    click B3 "cargo" "View Cargo"
    click C11 "upper/nest" "View Crow's Nest"
    click C12 "upper/helm" "View th' Helm"
    click C21 "midst/captain" "View th' Captain's Cabin"
    click C22 "midst/crew" "View th' Crew Quarters"

    style A fill:mediumpurple,stroke:rebeccapurple,stroke-width:4px
    style B1 fill:mediumvioletred,stroke:purple,stroke-width:4px
    style C11 fill:mediumvioletred,stroke:purple,stroke-width:4px
    style C12 fill:mediumvioletred,stroke:purple,stroke-width:4px
    style B2 fill:dodgerblue,stroke:royalblue,stroke-width:4px
    style C21 fill:dodgerblue,stroke:royalblue,stroke-width:4px
    style C22 fill:dodgerblue,stroke:royalblue,stroke-width:4px
    style B3 fill:darkturquoise,stroke:teal,stroke-width:4px