Gettin' started

Here’s how t' start yer new website. If you’re new t' Cap'n Hugo, we recommend learn'n more about it 'n its excellent starter’s guide.

Install Cap'n Hugo

Download an' install Cap'n Hugo 0.126.0 or newer fer yer operat'n system follow'n th' instruct'ns.

Th' standard edit'n o' Cap'n Hugo be sufficient but ye can also use th' extended edit'n.

Create yer Project

Use Hugo’s new ship command t' make a new website

hugo new ship my-new-site

Then move into th' new directory

cd my-new-site

Run all future commands from this directory.

Install th' Theme

Download as a Zip File

Ye can download th' theme as a .zip file an' unzip it into th' themes/hugo-theme-relearn directory.

Then add this at th' top o' yer hugo.toml

theme = 'hugo-theme-relearn'
theme: hugo-theme-relearn
   "theme": "hugo-theme-relearn"

Use Hugo’s Module System

Install th' Relearrrn theme us'n Hugo’s module system

hugo mod init

Then add this at th' end o' yer hugo.toml

    path = ''
  - path:
   "module": {
      "imports": [
            "path": ""

Use as a Git Submodule

If you’re us'n Git fer yer project, ye can create a repository now

git init

Add th' theme as a Git submodule

git submodule add --depth 1 themes/hugo-theme-relearn

Then add this at th' top o' yer hugo.toml

theme = 'hugo-theme-relearn'
theme: hugo-theme-relearn
   "theme": "hugo-theme-relearn"

Create yer Home Plank

Start by mak'n a home plank

hugo new --kind home

Th' new home plank file content/ has two parts: th' plank info (like title) at th' top, called front matter, an' th' plank rrrambl'n below.

Create yer First Chapter Plank

Chapters be top-level planks that contain other planks. They have a special layout.

Make yer first chapter plank

hugo new --kind chapter first-chapter/

Th' new file content/first-chapter/ has a weight number 'n th' front matter. This sets th' chapter’s subtitle an' its order 'n th' menu.

Create yer First Rrrambl'n Planks

Now make rrrambl'n planks inside th' chapter. Here be three ways t' do this

hugo new first-chapter/first-page/
hugo new first-chapter/second-page/
hugo new first-chapter/

Cap'n Hugo treats these files differently based on their file names. Learrrn more 'n Hugo’s guide.

Feel free t' edit these files. Change th' title, add a weight if ye want, an' write yer rrrambl'n.

Test yer Website Locally

Start yer new website on yer computer wit' this command

hugo serve

Open http://localhost:1313 'n yer web browser.

Ye can keep th' server runn'n while ye edit. Th' browser will update automatically when ye save changes.


It’s a kind o' magic

Build an' Deploy yer Website

When yer ship be ready t' go live, run this command


This creates a public directory wit' all yer website files.

Ye can upload this directory t' any web server, or use one o' Hugo’s many other ways t' publish.

Next Steps

Yer ship be now fully functional.

Ye can continue configur'n yer ship t' yer needs.

Or just start author'n rrrambl'n an' discover what’s poss'ble.