Deployment Scenarios

Offline Usage

Th' theme be us'ble offline. No internet connect'n be required t' board yer plank. This be achieved by stor'n all dependencies within th' theme.

No calls t' 3rd party servers, no call'n home, no track'n. Privacy friendly.

Server Deployment

If yer server deployment has no special requirements, ye can skip this section an' use th' standard Cap'n Hugo opt'ns.

For special requirements, th' theme be cap'ble o' different scenarios, requir'n th' follow'n mandatory sett'ns 'n yer hugo.toml. All sett'ns not mentioned 'n th' examples below can be set t' yer lik'n.

Public Web Server from Root

baseURL = ''
   "baseURL": ""

Public Web Server from Subdirectory

baseURL = ''
relativeURLs = false
relativeURLs: false
   "baseURL": "",
   "relativeURLs": false

If ye be still us'n Hugo’s relref shortcode (which ye shouldn’t), ye will need further configurat'n.


Don’t use a baseURL wit' a subdirectory an' relativeURLs=true together. Cap'n Hugo doesn’t apply th' baseURL correctly 'n this case. If ye need both, generate yer ship twice wit' different sett'ns into separate directories.

Private Web Server (LAN)

Th' same sett'ns as wit' any o' th' public web server scenarios or

baseURL = '/'
relativeURLs = true
baseURL: /
relativeURLs: true
   "baseURL": "/",
   "relativeURLs": true

File System

Yer generated ship can be used headless without a HTTP server.

This can be achieved by us'n th' file:// protocol 'n yer browser’s address bar or by do'ble click on a generated *.html file 'n yer file navigat'n tool.

Use th' follow'n sett'ns

baseURL = '/'
relativeURLs = true
baseURL: /
relativeURLs: true
   "baseURL": "/",
   "relativeURLs": true

Planks like sitemap.xml an' rss.xml, an' social media links will always use absolute URLs. They won’t work wit' relativeURLs=true.