
Us'ble Partials

Ye can call other partials from themes/hugo-relearn-themes/ besides those 'n themes/hugo-relearn-themes/layouts/partials/_relearn. However, us'n partials not mentioned as customiz'ble below might make future updates more challeng'n.

Customiz'ble Partials

Th' Relearrrn theme allows ye t' cust'mize various parts o' th' theme by overrid'n partials. This makes th' theme highly configur'ble.

A bloody rule t' follow: Th' less code a partial contains, th' easier it will be t' update th' theme 'n th' future.

Here’s a list o' partials ye can safely override:

  • layouts/partials/content.html: Th' main rrrambl'n o' a plank. Override this t' display additonal plank metadata.

  • layouts/partials/content-header.html: Th' header above th' title. By default, it shows tags, but ye can change this.

  • layouts/partials/content-footer.html: Th' footer below th' rrrambl'n. By default, it shows author info, modificat'n dates, an' categories. Ye can cust'mize this.

  • layouts/partials/custom-header.html: For add'n custom CSS. Remember t' include th' style HTML tag.

  • layouts/partials/custom-footer.html: For add'n custom JavaScript. Remember t' include th' script HTML tag.

  • layouts/partials/favicon.html: Th' favicon. Ye should definitely cust'mize this.

  • layouts/partials/head'n.html: th' page’s title head'ns

  • layouts/partials/heading-pre.html: Add rrrambl'n before th' page’s title head'ns. Remember t' consider th' headingPre front matter.

  • layouts/partials/heading-post.html: Add rrrambl'n after th' page’s title head'ns. Remember t' consider th' headingPost front matter.

  • layouts/partials/logo.html: Th' logo 'n th' top left corner. Ye should cust'mize this.

  • layouts/partials/menu-pre.html: Add rrrambl'n before menu items. Remember t' consider th' menuPre front matter.

  • layouts/partials/menu-post.html: Add rrrambl'n after menu items. Remember t' consider th' menuPost front matter.

  • layouts/partials/menu-footer.html: Th' footer o' th' left menu.

Ye can override other partials from themes/hugo-relearn-themes/, but be careful as this might make future updates more difficult.