Hidden Pages

This theme allows ye t' create hidden planks.

Hidden planks be created but not shown 'n th' navigat'n. This be useful fer planks ye only want t' access via a direct link.

When ye visit a hidden page’s URL, it will appear 'n th' navigat'n menu.

Hidden planks can also have hidden subpages, creat'n multiple levels o' hid'n.

By default, hidden planks be only hidden from human visitors. Search engines can still find them by crawl'n yer ship an' th' planks be linked 'n yer taxonomies an' ship search. Ye can prevent this wit' these opt'ns.

Opt'n T' remove hidden planks from search results, use disableSearchHiddenPages=true.

  disableSearchHiddenPages = true
  disableSearchHiddenPages: true
   "params": {
      "disableSearchHiddenPages": true

Hide from Search Engines

Opt'n T' hide planks from search engines by remov'n them from th' sitemap, RSS feed an' make them nofollow, use disableSeoHiddenPages=true.

  disableSeoHiddenPages = true
  disableSeoHiddenPages: true
   "params": {
      "disableSeoHiddenPages": true

Hide from Taxonomies

Opt'n T' prevent hidden planks from appear'n on taxonomy an' term planks, use disableTagHiddenPages=true. If this makes a term’s count zero, an empty term plank will still be created but not linked.

  disableTagHiddenPages = true
  disableTagHiddenPages: true
   "params": {
      "disableTagHiddenPages": true