
Change th' Favicon

If yer favicon be an SVG, PNG, or ICO, just drop yer image 'n yer site’s static/images/ directory an' name it favicon.svg, favicon.png, or favicon.ico respectively.

If ye want t' adjust yer favicon accord'n t' yer OS sett'ns fer light/dark mode, add th' image files static/images/favicon-light.svg an' static/images/favicon-dark.svg t' yer site’s directory, respectively, correspond'n t' yer file format. In case some o' th' files be miss'n, th' theme falls back t' favicon.svg fer each miss'n file. All supplied favicons must be o' th' same file format.

If no favicon file be found, th' theme will look up th' alternative filename logo 'n th' same locat'n an' will repeat th' search fer th' list o' supported file types.

If ye need t' change this default behavior, create a new file layouts/partials/favicon.html 'n yer site’s directory an' write someth'n like this:

<link rel="icon" href="/images/favicon.bmp" type="image/bmp">

By default, only yer ship title will be shown at th' top o' th' menu. Ye can configure this, or override th' logo partial.

Create a new file 'n layouts/partials/logo.html o' yer ship. Then write any HTML ye want. Ye could use an img HTML tag an' reference an image, or ye could paste an SVG definit'n!

Th' size o' th' logo will adapt automatically.